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Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma


Our Healing Empowerment Retreats provide confidential spaces for survivors of abuse to heal the impacts of trauma on the mind, body, and spirit. Healing Empowerment Retreats helps women impacted by trauma find resources while also receiving support. In addition to workshops and educational opportunities, Healing Empowerment Retreats (HER) offers women the opportunity to try a variety of stress-relief treatment modalities, such as yoga, art and music therapy, experiences in nature, and more. These retreats offer a trusted safe place to empower our women towards an empowered life of resilience, and hope.



Women and children often become unnecessarily vulnerable because of sexism, poverty, sexual and gender-based violence, war and conflict, climate change, and media portrayals and cultural beliefs that denigrate women and children.  Our advocacy program will be grounded in work and  legislation to cultivate a world in which women and children flourish and live abundant lives.  To help assist women and their families to achieve self-sufficiency and live safe, productive, and fulfilling lives, through social services, economic development, and advocacy services from sexual violence and trauma.

Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma
Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma


Our mission is to educate women through our CHWs (Community Health Workers) to make informed health choices by connecting with women through local and state resources, along with creative evidence-based programming. We keep women's health and wellness part of the dialogue by raising awareness among decision-makers about the impact health policy had on women and families. And we work collaboratively with partner organizations and alliances to reach more women.


Some of our work is created by the generous support of our funders. We implement timely, evidence-based educational programs, local, state and national events, and campaign initiatives on specific topics important to women and their health. The support allows us to create educations content grounded in science, free of commercial bias, and widely accessible to all.

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