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Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma

We believe that in society, culturally, generationally, or economically a woman shouldn't have to journey alone through the hardest times of her life.

Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma


Why we do what we do


Connect women and children generationally, ecumenically, and multiculturally in trusted spaces for healing and empowerment from sexual and physical trauma.


We strive to provide resources and trusted spaces for women to be healthy, connected and supported.


Our specifically designed programs for health and wellness, advocacy, and retreats will contribute significantly to the well-being of women and children.

Check Out Our Programs!

Women at the Well | Women and Children Nonprofit Healing from Sexual and Physical Trauma | Check Out Our Programs


Our Healing Empowerment Retreats provide confidential spaces for survivors of abuse to heal the impacts of trauma on the mind, body and spirit.

Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma


Our advocacy program will be grounded in work and legislation to cultivate a world in which women and children flourish and live abundant lives.

Women at the Well | Nonprofit for Women healing from sexual and physical trauma


We keep women's health and wellness part of the dialogue by raising awareness about the impact health policy has on women and families.

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